Deploying a humanitarian-development-peace nexus approach: Exploring, strengthening and reviving dryland ecosystems.
The FAO-CARE- CGIAR joint technical working paper will contribute to developing an FAO position and improved understanding of the links between, and risks of, climate change and various kinds of conflict as related to FAO’s mandate, with particular attention to crisis contexts in dryland forests and agrosilvopastoral areas. More broadly, this will feed into UN system-level discussion and processes related to the multidimensional nature of Climate Security.
The working paper will unpack how combined climate shocks, environmental degradation, and conflict exacerbate people’s vulnerability and reflect how responses should adapt to tackle these compounding challenges and bolster resilience. The joint study will gather and analyse examples of strategies and interventions that help communities identify and mitigate combined climate, environmental and conflict risks. The paper will then draw lessons learned and recommendations for design and implement projects that support people in achieving long term food security or in building up their ability to cope with multiple shocks, including those of climate change and conflict.
The joint study will be based on the premise that humanitarian, development and peace efforts are complementary and mutually-reinforcing and provide evidence that integrated responses offer the most effective way to tackle the root causes of people's vulnerability in crises contexts. It will target donors, policy-makers and practitioners from different disciplines.