This action plan sets out the next steps to collectively work towards the goals and vision of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
Moving from strategy to action, this plan aims to mobilise all stakeholders around key priority areas for restoration – the Restoration Challenges - and set in motion a wave of activity to protect and restore ecosystems and make peace with nature. This action plan is the outcome of consultations with the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration partner network in 2021 and 2022 and the collaborative input of the UN Decade core team, Strategy Group, Advisory Board and Task Forces. This is a global action plan encompassing all regions of the world, all its diverse ecosystems and inhabitants, both human and nonhuman. It is aimed at UN Decade partners and everyone who wants to be a part of restoring Earth by 2030. This includes policy makers, businesses, NGOs, civil society, scientists, educators and donors.
The first part of the action plan presents the background to ecosystem restoration and the vision, goals, and principles of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The second section describes the Restoration Challenges and provides a framework for action. Lastly, on the third section, you will find details on how the action plan will be implemented, covering coordination, communication, and finance.
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Challenge #4.1: Ecosystem Restoration for Climate
350 MILLION HECTARES UNDER RESTORATION WHILE DIRECTLY SUPPORTING OVER 100 MILLION PEOPLE FROM CLIMATE VULNERABLE COMMUNITIES TO ADAPT: This challenge, co-led by Conservation International (CI), AFoCo, AFR100, 20x20, aims at placing 350 M ha under restoration by 2030 for carbon removal while directly supporting at least 100 million people from climate-vulnerable communities to adapt to the impacts of climate change by 2030 through nature-based solutions that improve land management and restore ecosystems.
Challenge#6.3: Ecosystem Restoration for Education
INTERACTIVE ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION CURRICULUM FOR YOUTH AND 5000 COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIPS. This Challenge, co-led by Rewilding Academy, Plant for the Planet, Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, aims to empower Generation Restoration through an interactive Ecosystem Restoration Curriculum for youth between 10-16 and 16+ years and 5000 collaborative partnerships.
Challenge#5.1: Ecosystem Restoration for Communities
RESTORE AND SECURE LAND AND RESOURCE RIGHTS TO INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND LOCAL COMMUNITIES AND RECOGNISE THEM AS STEWARDS OF ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION. This challenge is co-led by International Land Coalition (ILC), UNEP, FAO. The overall aim of this challenge is to recognize land and resource rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IP LC) as a cornerstone of the restoration movement and promote them as stewards of ecosystem restoration, aligning with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and other human rights frameworks.
Challenge#5.3: Ecosystem Restoration for Communities
IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND VISUALIZATION OF #GENERATIONRESTORATION MOVEMENT ON TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS. This challenge, co-led by Restor, aims to bring together all UN Decade partners and terrestrial restoration efforts on the UN Decade partner hub, Restor, to assess its impact along key metrics and help visualize the global movement as well as to facilitate data-driven investments along interests and benefits.
Challenge# 8.1: Ecosystem Restoration for Food
RESTORE AND REGENERATE PRODUCTIVE ECOSYSTEMS TO INCREASE LOCAL COMMUNITIES’ FOOD SECURITY. This Challenge, co-led by UN Decade Youth Task Force, Ecosystem Restoration Communities, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) aims is to create and upscale world-class eco-restoration model camps which will systematically increase food security, strengthen local communities’ resilience, create job opportunities and raise eco-agri-food awareness and education.
Challenge#2.2: Ecosystem Restoration for Business & Philanthropy
200 COMPANIES TO INVEST USD 10 BILLION TO CONSERVE AND RESTORE TREES. This Challenge, co-led by 1t.org, World Economic Forum, aims to mobilise 200 companies to make credible and accountable commitments to conserve, restore and grow trees, with a combined investment of at least USD 10 billion.
Challenge#3.1: Ecosystem Restoration for Cities
BY 2030, AT LEAST 20 CITIES WILL HAVE BEEN NOMINATED AS WORLD RESTORATION FLAGSHIPS AND 100 CITIES ARE CHAMPIONING URBAN RESTORATION. This challenge is co-led by ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, UNEP and FAO. The goal is to spread knowledge, share tools, and build capacity on how to mainstream ecosystem restoration activities and nature-based thinking into city management and planning practices, as well as to increase advocacy around the return-on-investment in nature-based solutions and make the business case for restoration.
Challenge#10.3: Ecosystem Restoration for Marine & Freshwater
#GENERATIONRESTORATION CORAL REEF RESTORATION TRAINING HUB. This Challenge, co-led by Coral Triangle Center, aims at creating a training hub for restoration of tropical marine ecosystems to deliver scalable restoration impact in Indonesia and Timor-Leste, with knowledge and best practices for the global restoration movement.
Challenge#10.1: Ecosystem Restoration for Marine & Freshwater
BLUE ECOSYSTEMS INNOVATION AND RESTORATION CHALLENGE ON OCEANS. This Challenge, co-led by UNEP, UNESCO and UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030, aims to bring innovate solutions to conserve and restore the world’s marine and coastal ecosystems, in turn enhancing the resilience of the coastal communities and the societies depending on them.