
Tree planting and ecosystem restoration: a crash course

Tree planting and ecosystem restoration: a crash course

Faced with the climate and biodiversity emergencies, the United Nations has declared 2021-2030 as the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The goal is to ramp up efforts to reverse centuries of damage to forests, wetlands and other ecosystems. Getting it right will be key to putting the planet back on a sustainable course.

Tree planting as a way to restore local ecosystems has already captured the imagination of many people. Trees are astonishing. They capture carbon from the atmosphere, protect and fertilize soils, supply firewood and timber, and harbour many of the planet’s animals, birds and insects. The cultural, spiritual and recreational role of forests make them even essential for human well-being.

The new enthusiasm for trees is welcome. Individuals and organizations can make an impact through tree planting on various scales. However, tree planting for social good is not as simple as it sounds.

Here are five basic rules for getting it right.

Sounds complicated? Don’t be discouraged—it is doable, and it is worth it! Start small, and work from there, joining forces with others. You are not alone! Join your efforts with many others under the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030, and let us and others know what you are doing and what you are learning.

Expert networks:

The Society for Ecological Restoration as well as its regional chapters, thematic sections and student associations

Members of the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration

Guidance on restoration and tree planting:

Overall principles are available from the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (p. 18-19) and the Society for Ecological Restoration

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has published a toolbox on sustainable forest management and guidance on planted forests

Chicago Wildnerness is an example of a regional organization providing practical restoration advice that can be relevant also in other places. There is perhaps a similar group in your region.

Nature Education provides an introduction to the science of restoration ecology.

Groasis has prepared a checklist for the careful preparation of restoration projects.