Abu Dhabi Marine Restoration

United Arab Emirates

Safeguarding the world’s second-largest dugong population is a goal of the drive in the United Arab Emirates to restore beds of seagrass, the vegetarian dugong’s preferred food, coral reefs and mangroves along the Gulf coast.

The initiative in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi will improve conditions for many other plants and animals, including four species of turtle and three kinds of dolphin. Local communities will benefit from the revival of some of the 500 species of fish, as well as greater opportunities for eco-tourism.

La iniciativa en cifras
7,500 Hectáreas restauradas
4,500 Hectáreas por restaurar antes de 2030
25,000 Green jobs to be created by 2030
“Abu Dhabi’s coastal and marine areas are an important biodiversity hotspot. We saw the challenges facing our critical coastal and marine habitats and we are delighted our resulting restoration efforts are being recognized by the UN.”

Dr. Shaikha Salem Al Dhaheri, Secretary General of the Environment Agency

Organizaciones responsables

This World Restoration Flagship is coordinated by The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi.