This knowledge product puts together the current state of play of land-based NbS in India. The approach adopted for developing the knowledge product included stakeholder consultations with various representatives from academia, government, research and financial institutions, and civil society organisations, including rights-based organisations. The diverse stakeholders shared their insights on evidence-based learning from land-use NbS project development, financial sustainability, policy support, capacity-building requirements, and the challenges of scaling up NbS in India. Given the vastness of NbS across multiple ecosystems within India, the report limits its scope to land-based NbS. Nevertheless, it is uniquely placed to serve as a connecting tool between various NbS arena actors. The report's authors hope that the knowledge product inspires various actors — including donors, investors, businesses, implementing organisations, and policymakers — to take action towards implementing systems-level change in the NbS arena, strengthening and mainstreaming this sector.
The report is published by India Climate Collaborative (ICC), a collective working to identify critical sectors that need investment, drive funding towards climate solutions, and enable private and corporate philanthropy to engage more effectively with climate action. The ICC works closely with EdelGive Foundation through the ICC-EdelGive Alliance, which aims to further climate efforts by identifying key fundable opportunities in mitigation, adaptation, and building the capacity of the climate ecosystem.