The Society for Ecological Restoration is now inviting nominations for its 2023 SER Awards! These awards honor outstanding contributions to advancing the field of ecological restoration and recognize individuals and institutions for their excellence in ecological restoration science, practice, and public engagement. We are seeking nominations for five awards:

  • John Rieger Award 
  • Theodore M. Sperry Award 
  • Communication Award 
  • Full Circle Award 
  • Regional Award

Awards will be announced during the 10th World Conference on Ecological Restoration in Darwin, Australia from September 26 to 30, 2023. All nominees are invited to attend.
The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2023

Award Categories and nomination criteria:

John Rieger Award. Named for the Society’s first President, this award recognizes individuals or groups that have dedicated their time and skills to the development of SER and to advancing the field of restoration through their engagement with the Society. Criteria: Nominees must have demonstrated excellence in both of the following areas:

  • Significant contributions to the development of the Society for Ecological Restoration
  • Contributions that have made a significant impact in the theory, practice, or public awareness of restoration.

Eligibility: Any individual or group of individuals. Submit a Nomination Form

Theodore M. Sperry Award. Named for pioneering American ecologist Theodore Sperry, this award recognizes individuals or organizations who have made a significant and enduring contribution to advancing restoration science and/or practice through the development of new methods, techniques, tools or strategies for restoration, or through innovative approaches to involving the public in restoration efforts. Criteria: Nominees must have demonstrated innovation and excellence in one or more of the following categories:

  • Project Conceptualization, such as the development of a new approach to restoration
  • Project Implementation, such as research and development of new methods, techniques or tools for restoration practice
  • Project Evaluation, such as research and development of new indicators or criteria for measuring restoration success
  • Public Involvement, such as the development of effective new ways to integrate volunteers or engage the public in restoration programs
  • Nominations that are consistent with the SER International Standards are highly encouraged

Eligibility: Any individual or organization is eligible. Submit a Nomination Form

Communication Award. This award recognizes individuals or organizations that have made a significant impact in raising public awareness about ecological restoration, improving the quality of restoration practice, and/or advancing restoration theory through innovative communications strategies, tools, technologies or media. Criteria: Nominees must have used one of the following forms of communication:

  • Print: books, published papers, etc.
  • Virtual: social media, e-learning, etc.
  • Visual: video, exhibits, performing arts, etc.
  • Audio: speeches, songs, educational material, etc.

Qualifications for the Award: Nominees must have made significant contributions in one or more of the following areas:

  • Expand the body of knowledge in restoration
  • Improve the quality of restoration practice
  • Increase the public awareness and interest of ecological restoration

Eligibility: Any individual or organization. Submit a Nomination Form

Full Circle Award. This award is given in recognition of restoration projects that emphasize the full and effective participation of local indigenous communities and that reflect a strong balance between indigenous and non-indigenous knowledge and practices in the project’s design and implementation. Criteria: Nominated projects must demonstrate exceptional competence and innovation in the following areas:

  • Project goals are defined using the traditional ecological knowledge and traditional practices of local indigenous peoples
  • Project goals are complemented by non-indigenous knowledge and practices
  • Local indigenous peoples have participated meaningfully and fully in the restoration project and will be able to use the restored ecosystem in traditional ways.

Eligibility: A project of any individual or organization. Submit a Nomination Form

Regional Award. This award recognizes two outstanding individuals, programs, organizations, or projects from the region and/or continent of the World Conference. For SER2023, nominees must come from countries within Australasia. One award will be given to a person, project, or program in Australia, and a second award will be given to a person, project, or program elsewhere in the region. Criteria: Nominated projects must demonstrate excellence in the following areas:

  • Projects are based entirely in the region and/or continent
  • Projects impact surrounding community by enhancing the local environment, or training or educating local populations
  • Advances the cause of restoration regionally, nationally, or continentally
  • Nominations for projects or programs that are consistent with the SER International Standards are highly encouraged

Eligibility: Any individual, program, organization, or project is eligible. Submit a Nomination Form

Nominations can be submitted by both members and non-members, and can likewise recommend any nominee deserving of the honor, regardless of their membership status in SER. Selections will be made by the SER Awards Committee and approved by the SER Board of Directors. 


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Organized by: Society for Ecological Restoration (SER)

Date of Event: 15 Apr - 15 May 2023

Event Category: Other

Event Format: Online